The 2024 International Conference on Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics & Medical Robotics Forum (ICBIR+MRF 2024) will take place from July 25 to 28, 2024 in the beautiful city of Linzhi, Xizang, China.
ICBIR+MRF 2024 is an affiliated conference of the Elsevier journal of Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics. Original research papers in Robotics, Al, Biomimetics and related areas with real applications are welcome. All accepted papers will be published by Elsevier and indexed by El. Award winning papers will be published in top Elsevier and SCI journals. All accepted and presented papers at the conference will be considered for the five categories of the ICBIR best paper awards.
Important Dates
Submission of full original research papers in PDF: April 30, 2024
Notification of acceptance decisions: May 31, 2024
Submission of final version deadline: June 28, 2024
Advance registration deadline: July 20, 2024

Steering Committee
CAO Li, XJMU 1st Hospital
DING Han, Huazhong UST
DUAN Guangren, SUSTech
LI Aili, Yuanhua Technology
LIU Hong, Harbin Institute of Tech.
QIAO Hong, CAS Inst. Automation
SUN Yu, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
TANG Peifu, PLA General Hospital
ZHANG Yingze, Hebei Medical Univ.
General Chairs
CHEN Jiying, PLA General Hospital
General Co-Chairs
HUANG Wei, CMU 1st Hospital
LI Yibin, Shandong University
LIAO Wenbo, ZYMU 2nd Hospital
LV Songcen, HMU 2nd Hospital
MAO Xinzhan, CSU 2nd Hospital
SHENG Puyi, SYSU 1st Hospital
WANG Aimin, CQ Songshan Hospital
ZHANG Weibin, SJTU Ruijin Hospital
ZHENG Qiujian, GDPP Hospital
ZHOU Zongke, Huaxi Hospital
Program Chairs
CHAI Wei, PLA General Hospital
WANG Jiankun, SUSTech
Program Co-Chairs
CHI Wenzheng, Soochow University
HE Chuan, SJTU Ruijin Hospital
REN Hongliang, Chinese Univ.of HK
WANG Chao, Yuanhua Technology
WANG Chaoqun, Shandong University
YAN Tingfang, Yuanhua Technology
ZHANG Yuan, Xingiao Hospital
Organizing Chairs
CHENG Jiyu, Shandong University
Hu Chao, Yuanhua Technology
JIA Xiao, Shandong University
LI Teng, Shandong University
LIU Hongjian, ZZU 1st Hospital
LIU Jun, City University of HK
LIU Rong, Dalian Univ. of Technology
LIU X.Peter, Carleton Univ., Canada
LV Ming, PLA General Hospital
MIN Zhe, Shandong University
QI Lin, Northeastern University
SUN Wei, SZ 2nd Renmin Hospital
SUN Yongqiang, LYOT Hospital
SUN Yuxiang, City University of HK
WANG Jiaole, HIT Shenzhen
YANG X.Simon, Univ.Guelph, Canada
YUAN Yixuan, Chinese Univ.of HK
ZHANG Guogiang, PLA General Hospital
ZHENG Minhua, Beijing Jiaotong Univ.
ZHANG Xiaogang, XJMU 1st Hospital
Award Committee Chairs
GU J. Jason, Dalhousie Univ., Canada
SONG Rui, Shandong University
ZHANG Hao, PLA General Hospital
Finance Chairs
YAN Tingcui, SUSTech
ZHANG Yuxiang, Yuanhua Technology
Publication Chairs
SONG Shuang, HIT Shenzhen
YANG Xing, Yuanhua Technology
Local Arrangement Chair
ZHOU Yue, Yuanhua Technology
1. Download the Elsevier ICBIR Latex Template.
2. The page limit is 6 pages for the paper, including text and figures, + 1 page for the bibliography/references.
3. Submit your paper via ICBIR+MRF 2024 at Microsoft CMT.
Accepted papers presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion into Procedia Computer Science, which is indexed in Scopus, the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, INSPEC, and Engineering Village.
Expanded versions of the accepted high-quality papers will be invited for publication in Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics.
Invited Speakers
Plenary Talk

TANG Peifu
PLA General Hospital

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

GUO Shuxiang
Southern University of Sci. and Tech.

GU J. Jason
Dalhousie University

WU Xinyu
SIAT, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Keynote Talk

CHI Wenzheng
Soochow University

WANG Chaoqun
Shandong University

Shandong University
Young Scholars Forum

MAI Xiaochun
Shenzhen University

Nanjing University

CHEN Weinan
Guangdong Uni. of Tech.

Soochow University
1. The registration form is available here. Please also complete the questionnaire to finalize your registration information.
2. Conference Venue: V-CONTINENT Nyingchi Hotel (林芝五洲皇冠酒店).
3. The conference notice is available here.
Linzhi, Xizang, China